Our contribution for the ARD Pulsgamejam!

The topic for the jam was "kaputt" and its official definition as follows:
Kaputt (adj.)
Broken, damaged, or destroyed to the point of being unusable.

We wanted to utilize the original concept of breaking something apart but in a metaphorical way. In this game you will destroy your opponents using insults aimed at their most insecure weakspots! Who deserves such treatment? We think you will notice them. 

Political discourse has changed a lot in recent years. The essence of many campaigns has become a duel of insults, aimed at destroying the opposing parties integrity and trust instead of looking for solutions. Break down what breaks you down and defeat them in their own game!

If you need a hint:
Hillary Red
Elon Blue
Trump Red Green

ATTENTION if the Game doesn't run - plz try in other browser than Chrome

Fullscreen for best experience!

Inga Baz
Gina Vörde (LFW) Portfolio BlueSky

Lukas Höppner (Open for small projects => lukas.hoeppner@gmail.com)
Kirollos Saaid

Updated 3 hours ago
Published 2 days ago
AuthorsRainbowRat, Orik, wuschli, Psyckomeico
GenreFighting, Puzzle
Made withUnity
Tags2D, 3D, Funny, Hand-drawn, No AI, Short, Singleplayer, Turn-based, Turn-Based Combat

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